Excited to be participating in:
LOSS, A Virtual Exhibition, September 4-27, 2020 | WOMAN MADE GALLERY . Chicago, Illinois
Curated/Juried by Felicia Grant Preston
1st of August, 2020
About the Artwork
mixed media, crystals, circuit board radio, fairy lights
The loss of a child is catastrophic to a parent—one should not outlive their child. There is no solution as time remains forever skewed….the inverted order of events cannot be reversed. My piece Echo Generator is a futuristic machine that uses optical phenomena, crystals, and radio waves to give the bereaved a glimpse of their loved one for an instant…”
HOME, A Virtual Exhibition July 3–31, 2020
Facebook/YouTube Live Premiere Event: Saturday, July 11, 2020 | 6 p.m. CDT (Central Daylight Time)
Meet the juror Jennifer Weigel and some of the exhibiting artists!

6th of June, 2020
About the Artwork
Digital Art
With the paltry official guidance from TPTB we've been left to figure this pandemic out on our own. Using household items such as kitchen gloves to fend off the “invisible enemy” seems like all one can do to protect ourselves. The Badminton racquet seemed like the perfect device to express feelings of futility in this crisis.

6th of June, 2020
About the Artwork
Fashion photograph run through various Prisma filters.
Eating. OMG. What an issue it's become. Overeat one day. No appetite the next...”EZ IS Y TRAP” is PARTY SIZE spelled backwards. I've wondered with the mask shortage maybe I'll need to do some creative re-purposing.

25th of March, 2019
About the Artwork
Piece was produced in Photoshop using a variety of filters.
Pulling archetypal feelings out of our brain stem...these ancient forces of nature as envisioned by a society from another time and place. I cannot tell you whether they are symbols from the past or future because these elements defy time and space...they exist in all of us on a cellular level.

15th of January, 2018
About the Artwork
Piece was produced in Photoshop CS6 with repeating photographs of red and white roses as background and font, respectively.
Blending tools were used to smooth the appearance of the roses.
Day in and day out in business and our personal lives we make and are made promises that while beautifully polite are simply pleasantries. When we try and believe in the promise beyond the moment we find it dead much like a cut flower. It was already dead when given to us lovingly.

12nd of February, 2018
About the Artwork
Piece was layered Photoshop CS6.
The mathematics of a woman's fertility--12 months X 30 years = 360 babies

12nd of February, 2018
About the Artwork
Piece was layered Photoshop CS6.
In the near future will reproduction become asexual, where babies simply bud from their mother.

22nd of August, 2016
About the Artwork
Piece was layered Photoshop CS6, hand-painted in Acrylics then applied to Graffiti painted foam core board.
Obsession with Graffiti and giant Venus Fly Traps. Urban "B" Movie

21st of August, 2016
About the Artwork
Small canvases placed within a recycled frame. Each canvas was masked and painted with Acrylic, then vintage "PressType" applied with wording from haiku poem.
Background painted with acrylic and gold metallic paints. Small animals hidden in background. Frame edge painted with Acrylic on corrugated paper used as brush.
Life in our universe is so complex and amazing that communicating it about it can make us look like children reading from a whimsical children's book.

20st of August, 2017
About the Artwork
Piece was painted in Acrylic on wood block.
My garden of succulents continues to thrive and I am mesmerized by their complex shapes--organic yet intentionally structured.
These little cactus rosettes seem in perfect contrast with the geometic background.
“Feet, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly!”
Related Sites: Poemetry